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a film by Bahar Bektaş

produced by Pink Shadow Films

documentary | Germany | 2021 - 2023 | 95' | 2:1


Deportation after more than 30 years in Germany - What happened that it could come so far? And what’s next for the family? The 40-year-old screenwriter and social worker BAHAR is confronted with these questions when she learns that her brother TANER (38) is to be deported to Turkey. When exactly will the deportation take place? Will Taner get out of prison? And will a new start in Turkey be possible for the family? Bahar uses this time of waiting and uncertainty to hold the camera on her family members. In calm and sensitive imagery, she explores the family’s emotional and geographical worlds of uprooting and new beginnings between Germany and Turkey - while Taner’s feelings and thoughts in prison are explored only through his voice in phone calls. With this film, Bahar claims a territory for her family while being squeezed between two countries and a state of in-between.


Director Bahar Bektaş

Script Bahar Bektaş, Tobias Carlsberg

Cinematographer Meret Madörin & Antonia Kilian 

Montage Arash Asadi

Producer Antonia Kilian

Production Manager Bettina Morlock

Production Pink Shadow Films, Kassel / D

Founded by Hessenfilm & ZDF/Das Kleine Fernsehspiel

Distribution jip Filmverleih

​Awards & nominations

FIPRESCI Award at 45. Filmfestval Max Ophüls Prize, 2024

FFF Talent Award at DOK.fest Munich, 2024

Nomination Roman-Brodmann-award, 2024

Festivals (selection)

45th Max Ophüls Prize Film Festival, documentary competition, 2024

20th Achtung Berlin Filmfestival, documentary competition, 2024

Lichter Filmfest Frankfurt International, 2024

Filmfestival Türkei Deutschland, 2024

DOK.fest Munich, 2024

4. July 2024 in theater in Germany

→ press documents

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